Your Eyes Are the Window to Your World!
Optometrist Near Me
Eye Exam Near Me
The health of your eyes is important because your sight is probably the most important sense. If you doubt this, close your eyes and imagine a world of darkness. It is a scary thought, yet millions skip eye health evaluations. If you are in the market to purchase eyeglasses or contact lenses, we believe that your best option is with an independent optometrist or licensed optician's office. Going with an independent practitioner gives the patient several advantages over other modalities of eye care. Eye Exam Near Me.
The independent eyecare provider has no limitations as to the brand of frames or the lens design and, most importantly, can work directly with you on any issues you have. Most independent practitioners have extensive experience in many subspecialties, such as contact lenses or low vision. Almost all independent practitioners, when asked why they went independent, responded that they wanted to provide quality care. Eye Exam Near Me.
To provide quality care, Florida Optical Services purchased an Advanced Refracting system, which provides, in our opinion, a more exact prescription. Specialized software allows communication between equipment, such as electronic lensometers that measure your current glasses' power, autorefractors that provide your current objective refractive error, and auto keratometers that measure your corneal power. This is important because a digital phoropter uses all that data to make a final subjective prescription you will love. At the flip of a button, you will be shown the new script in real life and can compare it with your current glasses. You can see the improvement there. Older phoropters only use the data manually entered and may be prone to errors. Eye Exam Near Me.

Viewing Your Retina
In most Routine Eye exams, the Optometrist may use a direct Ophthalmoscope, which provides a limited view of your dilated eye.
The optometrist looks at your retina to screen for diseases such as Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, or Diabetes. Eye Exam Near Me.
Digital Retinal Screenings
Our Doctors of Optometry now use a Digital Retinal System. Digital Retinal Screenings provide 80% more than a direct ophthalmoscope, allowing the physician to view more of your retina. No dilating drops are used, so you do not have sensitivity to light or problems reading. Your vision plan usually pays for this or provides it at a discounted fee.
If there are any questions about the eye's health, an ophthalmology dilated exam will be required. The ophthalmologist or optometrist will use an Indirect Binocular Ophthalmoscope to view a more detailed part of your eye. This exam is only paid for by your health insurance, not your vision plan. Eye Exam Near Me.

Other Test that we do...
We use soft puff tonometry to measure your intraocular pressure and perform a visual field test to screen for indications of Glaucoma. These tests do not require dilation.
Anterior segment evaluation is done with a Biomicroscope equipped with a digital photography system. The front of the eye is screened for disease and recorded for future reference. Cataracts and other conditions are determined with this instrument. Better care. Eye exam near you. Eye Exam Near Me.