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Servicios ópticos de Florida: optometrista cerca de mí
Grupo de atención oftalmológica en Fort Myers, Florida

Salud ocular

Sabemos que examinar sus ojos para detectar enfermedades es extremadamente importante para usted y para nosotros. Nuestro grupo de oftalmólogos independientes, formado por médicos optometristas y oftalmólogos, ha completado su formación en prestigiosas universidades de Estados Unidos y del extranjero. ¡Nos preocupamos por usted y sus ojos! El mejor optometrista de Fort Myers. Optometristas cerca de mí

Man having an eyeglass exam

Optometric Physicians or optometrists near me are Eye doctors specializing in one inch of the human body, the eye. They attend Optometry college after completing a bachelor's degree. At the Optometry College, they complete their eye medical training, which includes determining the refractive properties of the eye, the anterior and posterior parts of your eye, and the retina. Eye health of the eye consists of treating them with medicine and, in some cases, performing surgery if state law permits it. Optometrists R. Lilienthal and Eye Doctors from our Eye Group, 20/20 Ophthalmology perform eye exams and eye evaluations for our customers who will use our expertise in Optics and Contact Lenses. Best Optometrist Fort Myers. We strive to provide the best service— Optometrist  Near Me. Telehealth Eye Exams Available. Dr. R. Lilienthal, O.D. is the best Optometrist Near Me. Our Eye Group also includes Ophthalmologists.  Robert Mandelkorn, M.D. can help you with minor surgeries, second opinions and general ophthalmology care.  

All our optometrists are assisted by credentialed Ophthalmic Medical Technicians who perform the gathering of data. All our technicians are Nationally Certified by the International Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology IJHCAHPO. Optometrist near me are located at 13691 Metro Parkway Suite 100 Fort Myers, Fl 33912. Best Optometrist Near Me.

Diagnóstico de errores refractivos comunes por parte de nuestros optometristas. Optometrista cerca de mí

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